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Apr 28, 2009

The Dictionary - The Classroom

telmeez / a – pupil
shanTit madrasa – school bag
asteka – eraser
zey mowaHad – uniform
me'aS – scissors
sallit zeballa – trash bin
alwaan sham3 – crayons
il Hoosh – the playground
sa3it HiTTa – clock
'alam Hebr – pen
Tarabeeza – table
forshit alwaan – paintbrush
saboora – blackboard
SelSaal – clay
m'alama – pencil case
barayya – sharpener
baab – door
modaresa – teacher
war'a – paper
il abgadeyya – the alphabet
nabaat – plant
ketaab – book
'alam roSaS – pencil
kora arDeyya – globe
masTra – ruler
molSak – poster
Samgh – glue
tabasheer – chalk
alwaan mayya – water colors

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Apr 25, 2009

The Dictionary - The Transportation

Tayyara helikobtar – helicopter
3arabeyya – car
Tayyara – airplane
'atr – train
3arabeyya ogra – taxi
ma'toora – trailer
markeb – rowboat
HanToor – carriage cart
otobees – bus
safena – ship
3arabeyya na'l – truck
Sarookh – rocket
motosekl – motorcycle

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The Dictionary - The Street

raSeef - pavement
me'azana – minaret
Tab'a dish – satellite dish
bala3a – drain
esharit moroor – traffic lights
3oboor moshah – crossing
dokhaan – smoke
motosekl – motorcycle
otobees – bus
Saydaleyya – pharmacy
maT3am – restaurant
salit zebala – waste basket
3emara – building
3amood nuur – lamp post
3askari moroor – traffic policeman
bawwaba – gate
shebaak – window
3alamit Taree'a – traffic sing
game3 – mosque
kenesa – church
medaan – square
loHit e3lanaat – billboard
3arabeyya – car
Tayyara – airplane

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Apr 22, 2009

Food around the world _ Egypt (1)

As a consequence of the Turkish dominance of Egypt for hundreds of years, Egyptian cuisine has accordingly been greatly influenced by this particular country’s gastronomy. The cuisines of neighbouring Arab countries like Lebanon, Syria and Palestine have also had an impact.

Egyptians eat three meals per day: fitaar, or breakfast, is taken early in the morning. This usually consists of fuul (broad beans served with oil), t'ameyah (deep-fried broad bean puree), eggs, jam or cheese with what is termed ‘balady’ bread or 'aysh balady (an unleavened bread made from coarse wheat and bran).

Roz bil laban ( rice pudding )


1 1/2 cups of short-grain rice
5 cups of water
4 cups of milk
1 cup of sugar
2 tablespoons of corn starch dissolved in watera pinch of ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
a sprinkling of chopped nuts
a sprinkling of raisins


Pour the rinsed rice into a pan with the water.
Simmer the rice over a medium heat until it is cooked.
Add the sugar and then the milk and vanilla essence whilst stirring the mixture constantly to avoid burning the rice.
Bring the rice to the boil and add the corn starch. Keep stirring the mixture until it thickens.
Take the mixture off the heat and shape it into small balls.
Sprinkle the ground cinnamon, chopped nuts and raisins over the balls.
Serve cold.

west il balad ( Downtown )

Police station - esm il bolees
Company – sherka
Hospital - mostashfa
Hotel - fondok
School - madrasa
Parking area - maw'af sayaraat
Square – medaan
Bank – masraf ( or ) bank
Advertisement – e3laan
Cinema – senema
Museum – matHaf
Post office – maktab bareed ( or ) bosta
Theater – masraH
Bus –stop – meHatet otobees Shopping mall – markaz togaree

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Apr 20, 2009

a trip to the souk - road 9 - maadi

Cristena and Camilia went to the market to buy some vegetables The seller : SabaaH il kheyr ya madam ayi khedma ?Good morning madam , can I help you ?
Cristena : 3andak khoDar Taza ?
Do you have frish vegetables ?

The seller : Tab3an ya madam kullu Taza , 3ayiza eyh ?
Sure madam all of it are frish , what do you need ?

Cristena : ana 3ayiza felfel romi baladi .
I want egyptian green pepper
The seller : 3ayiza add eyh ? keelo ?
How much do you want ? kilo?

Cristena : la' , rob3 bass .
No , quarter only .

The seller : 3ayiza eyh tani ?
What do you want else ?

Cristena : 3andak khass baladi ?
Do you have egyptian lettuce ?

The seller : 3ayiza kaam waHda ?
How many do you want ?

Cristena : waHda bass .
Only one .

The seller : 3andi kheyar kwayyis awi !
I have a very good cucumber

Cristena : mashy haat noss keelo .
Ok give me half kilo .

The seller : wi entee ya madam 3ayiza eyh ?
And you madam what do you want ?

Camilia : 3andak felfel Hara' ?
Do you have hot pepper ?
The seller : Hara' naar .
It is hot like fire .

Camilia : haat rob3 keelo .
Give me quarter of a kilo .

The seller : eyh tani ?
What else ?

Camilia : haat keelo TamaTiim bass Soghayara .
Give me one kilo of tomatoes but small ones ..

The seller : zayy dee ?
Like this one ?

Camilia : aiwa .

The seller : etfaDali
Here you are .

Apr 18, 2009

The best homework for last week

The best homework for last week
was by Cristina De Kok , she is from Mon – Wed level 1 class
( thank you Cristina )

Hostess : esslamu 3alikom .
Peace be up on you ( hello )

Guest : wa 3alikom esslam .
And up on you peace .( hello resp. )

Hostess : etfaDalee .
Come in

Guest : shokran .
Thank you .

Hostess :ezzayyik ?
How are you ?

Guest : kwayyisa , el Hamdulilah
I am fine thanks to God .

Hostess : teHebee teshrabee eyh ?
What would you like to drink ?

Guest : la' shokran . ( mafeesh daa3ee )
No thank you . ( no need )

Hostess : ana 3andi 3aseer bourto'aan Taza !
I have fresh orange juice !

Guest : shokran ana baHeb 3aseer il bourto'aan .
Thank you , I like the orange juice .

Hostess : entee 3ayiza talg ?
Do you want ice ?

Guest : aiwa , law samaHt .
Yes , please

Hostess : entee 3ayiza mayya ?
Do you want water ?

Guest : la' , shokran .
No , thank you .

Hostess : eTfaDalee .
Here you are .

Guest : shokran .
Thank you.

Hostess : 3afwan .
You are welcome.

Apr 15, 2009

Arabic Alphabet

ألف أرنب يجري يلعب - يأكل جزرا كي لا يتعب
باء بطة نطت نطة - وقعت ضحكت منها القطة
تاء تاج فوق الرأس - فيه الذهب وفيه الماس
ثاء ثعلب صاد دجاجة - هو ماكر وقت الحاجة
جيم جمل في الصحراء - مثل سفينة فوق الماء
حاء حج أسمى رغبة - فيه طواف حول الكعبة
خاء خبز عند البائع - لا يأكله إلا الجائع
دال ديك حسن الصوت - قام يؤذن فوق البيت
ذال ذئب وحش صلب - لا يرهبه إلا الكلب
راء رجل عرف الدين - فهو صدوق وهو أمين
زاي زهرة أصفر أحمر - هي بعيني أحلى منظر
سين ساعة تحفظ وقتي - في مدرستي أو في بيتي
شين شمس صنع قدير - فيها الدفء وفيها النور
صاد صائد ألقى الشبكة - بعد قليل صاد سمكة
ضاد ضابط يحمي وطني - يحفظ أمني يرعى سكني
طاء طفل أجمل طفل - فهو نظيف حسن الشكل
ظاء ظفر نظفناه - طال قليلا فقصصناه
عين عين تخشى الله - تشهد خيرا فيه رضاه
غين غار غار حراء - فيه أنزل القرآن
فاء فيل ذو أنياب - وهو صديق يا أصحاب
قاف قمر فيه منال - ومواقيت تهدى السائل
كاف كلب عاش جواري - يحرس غنمي يحرس داري
لام لحم ينمو جسمي - يكسو عظمي فيه أسمى
ميم مسجد بيت الله - فيه أؤدي كل صلاة
نون نهر نهر النيل - فهو كريم غير بخيل
هاء هرم عالي القمة - وبناؤه رمز للهمة
واو وجه للإنسان - فيه نور بالإيمان
ياء يد ترسم زهرة - تبدع شكلاً تظهر فكرًا

Translate - Lesson (3)

1 – ana 3ayiza tofaaH .
2 – ana mish 3ayiza borto'aan .
3 – ana mish baHeb il farawlla .
4 – ana baHeb il mooz
5 – da mish 3enab .
6 – howwa 3ayiz baTTeekh Taza .
7 – ana 3ayiza 3aseer bort'oaan Taza .
8 – teHeb teshrab eyh ?
9 – teHebee teshrabee eyh ?
10 – aHeb ashrab 3aSeer farawlla .
11 – ana baHeb akul mooz .

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Enta fayn ? (Where are you ? )

1 – ana fil csa delwa'ti .
2- heyya 3ala il korsi .
3 – howwa gowwa il dolab leyh ?
4 – il oTTa gowwa il shanTa .
5 – seif uddam il baab .
6 – eHna gamb il shebaak .
7 – il taxi uddam il beyt .

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El khoDaar

1 – ana 3ayiza khoDaar Taza .
2 – 3andak TamaTeem .
3 – ana baHeb il besella bil gazar .
4 – entee 3ayiza eyh men il suk ?
5 – la' , ana mish baHeb il toom .
6 – entee bet-Hebee il baSal ?
7 – il baTaTees fayn ?

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Apr 14, 2009

Translate - Lesson (2)

1 – feyn il mustashfa ?
2 – il bank hena wi il metro henaak .
3 – dee mish 3arabeyya .
4 – enta men maSr ?
5 – la' , ana mish men maSr
6 – aiwa , ana men maSr .
7 – dee sit kwayyisa .
8 – da raagil kwayyis
9 – da 'ameeS aHmad .
10 – mafeesh korsi hena .
11 – feyn il baab ?
12 – dee arD il beyt
13 – dee mish shanTa .

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Apr 13, 2009

Kinds of Vegetables

Vegetables khoDar

Cauliflower - arnabeet
Cabbage - koromb
Spinach - sabaanekh
okra - bamya
tomatoes - tamatem
Cucumbers- kheyaar
Lettuce - khass
Pepper - felfel romi
Onions - baSal
Garlic - tom
Eggplant - betengaan
Parsley - b'adunes
Zucchini - kosa
Green beans - fasolyya
Peas - besella
Potatoes - baTaTiis
Sweet potatoes - baTaTa

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Apr 12, 2009

Translate - Lesson (1)

1 –SabaaH el kheyr .
2 – ahlan
3 – shokraan
4 - ana asfa
5 – ana mish men Amrika .
6 - enta hena leyh ?
7 - meen hena ?
8 – howwa mish men henaak .
9 – heyya mish men holanda .
10 – ezzayak ?
11 - ana noSS noSS .
12 – eHna mish kwayyisiin .
13 – ma3asslama .
14 – enta mineen ?
15 – ana men faransa .
16 – mafeesh oTTa hena ?
17 – mafeesh moshkila .
18 – ma3rafsh .

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