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صباح الفل
(This is a sort of a joke because there wererumorsduringdemonstrationthatsome demonstratorsare paid 50LE+KFC daily Toprotest )
Zamalek champion =ed-dawri lil zamalik
(Anotherwish asZamalekfootball team used to be one of the best ofteams in the Egypt butthey couldn’twin anyreal champion chip in years )
Cleanliness =naDaafa نضافة
Ourright = Haq-qina حقنا
Healthcare = re3aayaSeH-Heyya رعاية صحية
Freshair = hawaa` naqiهواء نقي
DomesticIndustry =Sinaa3amaHalayyaصناعة محلية
Securityformychildren = amnawlaadi امن اولادي
Honest media=i3laam SareeH اعلام صريح
Accepttheother =taqbo lal-aakhar تقبل الاخر
Homelesscare =re3ayetel-moshardeenرعاية المشردين
Stateofinstitutions=dawlitmo`sasaatدولة مؤسسات
Food=lo`met3ayeshلقمة العيش
(ak l is the word for food but (lo`met3ayesh) which is an expression thatmeans ” apiece ofbread”, Minimum of poor Egyptians food ,basicsustenance . and it refers her to the minimum wages people)
Bride=3aroosa عروسة
(In thevideo it was translated as marriage but actually the word for marriage is ‘’gawaaz’’ )
Mastershipofpublic =syaadasha3bayaسيادة شعية
public= sha3b,sha3bayya(adj.).شعبي
NationalUnity =wiHdawaTanayyaوحدة وطنية
(This expression is usually used to refer to the unity between Muslims & Christians )
A looktoUpper Egypt =naZralil-Sa3eedنظرة لصعيد مصر
(The word ‘’naZra’’ heremeans ‘’attention’’ as Sa3eed is a poor part of Egypt )
Dignity ofteachers=karaamatal-mo3lemكرامة المعلم
(Colloquial word for teacher is ‘’modar-riss ‘’.the sentence reflects how teachers of local schools feel because of theirlow salaries )
Humanrights=Hoqooqel-insaanحقوق الإنسان
Change =taghy-yeerتغيير
Youth housing =iskaan esh-shbaab اسكان الشباب
Literacy =maHo el om-mayyaمحو الامية
Culture =thaqaafaثقافة
Renaissance =nah-Daنهضة
(in the video the word‘’shaamela ‘’ was added to mean complete renaissance )